September 16, 2024
As a child sleep consultant in Ireland and mother of three, I understand how challenging it can be when your little one is taking short naps at creche or daycare. Believe me I have been there both personally and professionally. I was inspired to write this guide as some of the families I'm working with at the moment are facing this issue, and it’s often coupled with nighttime wakings. Before starting at creche or daycare , their babies were napping for over an hour, so these shorter naps can be quite disheartening.
Since you might not have direct control over naps time at creche or daycare , here are some tips to help your baby sleep and take longer naps:
Advise on Your Baby’s Natural Sleepy Times: Babies have natural sleepy times that align with their body clock and circadian rhythms. Sharing these natural sleep patterns with your baby’s caregiver can help them recognise the right moments for naps, which can lead to better, more restorative sleep.
Discuss Wakefulness Periods: While I’m not a fan of rigid wake windows, understanding how long your baby can stay awake before needing a nap is important. If you know your child can only manage about 2 hours between naps, let the caregiver know. This can help prevent overtiredness and support better napping habits.
Encourage Consistent Sleep Schedules" Try to maintain a consistent nap schedule at home and suggest that creche or daycare aligns with these times as much as possible. Consistency helps regulate your baby’s internal clock and makes transitions smoother.
Provide a Familiar Sleep Item: If permitted, send a familiar sleep item, like a lovey or sleep sack, with your baby. This can offer comfort and a sense of familiarity during naptime.
Early Bedtime: An early bedtime can be incredibly effective in managing sleep debt from shorter naps at creche. Deep sleep occurs more readily in the early part of the night, which can help reduce night wakings. If your baby has had short naps, consider an earlier bedtime to help them catch up on rest.
Ensure The Right Amount of Overnight Sleep: Make sure your baby is getting enough sleep overnight. A well-rested child is more likely to have longer, more restorative naps during the day, even in a less controlled environment.
Maintain a Consistent Nap Schedule at Home: Although your baby may not nap as long at creche or daycare , sticking to a consistent nap schedule at home is crucial. Two days of quality naps over the weekend can help your baby recover from any sleep lost during the week.
Optimise the Home Sleep Environment: At home, create a conducive sleep environment—dark, quiet, and comfortable. A consistent sleep environment helps support better sleep, even if creche naps are shorter.
Give Your Baby Time and Space: In many creches or daycare , if a baby wakes up, they might be taken out of the room to avoid disturbing others. If possible, ask the caregiver to give your baby a few extra minutes. Sometimes, with a little time and space, your baby may fall back asleep.
Be Prepared for Some Disruption: Changes can cause temporary disruptions in sleep patterns, but if your baby has been a good sleeper before, this phase should pass relatively quickly.
Naps at creche or daycare can be frustrating, but with these tips you can help your baby make the most of their nap time even when you have less control over their environment.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed with your baby's sleep challenges or toddler sleep issues, why not book a free 15-minute sleep discovery call? We can discuss your current sleep problems, such as night wakings, refusing naps, or establishing a bedtime routine, and how I can help you find the solutions you need for better sleep in your little one.
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